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The Truth About Controlling Spider Pests Indoors

by Wallace Gonzales

You don't have to suffer from arachnophobia to want a spider-free home. Many people find spiders creepy, or they are worried about spider bites from a venomous variety. Getting rid of spiders isn't the same as getting rid of other insect pests, though. Before you begin attacking the spiders, make sure you understand what you are dealing with.

Manage the Outside Environment

Spider problems in the home usually first begin outside. Many homeowner's first notice a problem in late fall or winter. This is because the spiders move indoors as the temperatures plummet. They aren't just seeking warmth – they are following their prey.

Keep the exterior of your home clear of dead plant material, wood piles, and other debris that can attract the insects that spiders feed upon. The less insect prey available, the lower the spider population in the immediate environs of your home.

Use the Right Pesticide

Few pesticides work well on spiders. Most pest control companies will instead spray for the prey insects that are drawing the spiders into your home.

Keep tabs of the types of insects that you seem to often find inside your home. If you can't positively identify them, snap a picture or save a dead one to show to your pest control technician. This way, they can make sure they use a pesticide that will take care of the root problem.

Often, they can simply spray the outer perimeter of your home. This will prevent the insects from getting inside, which will lower the amount of spiders in the house. Spraying primarily outside also ensures there are no dangerous pesticides inside the house, which can be be important if you have young children or pets.

Seal Against the Pests

The final step in ongoing spider control requires getting rid of those that have made their way indoors and stopping future spiders from coming in. First, clean up spider webs inside the house as soon as you spot them. Also, kill or capture and release outdoors any spiders you find inside your home.

Next, seal cracks in the foundation with a repair epoxy. Check that the caulking and weatherstripping around doors and windows is in good repair, and replace or fix any gaps you find.

Most spiders aren't your enemy, with the exception of a few extremely poisonous variety. A few spiders outdoors, or even inside the home, will help minimize the amount of other nuisance insects on your property but if you want to keep out pests before needing to call for a pest control service, follow these tips to minimize the population of spiders in your home.
