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Features That Make Wooden Blinds A Top Choice

by Wallace Gonzales

If you are looking to add a little more shade and privacy to your home or office, blinds could provide a great solution. With so many materials available out there including wood, vinyl and fabric, it could prove difficult to make the right choice. While vinyl blinds are quickly gaining popularity, wooden blinds remain widely popular, and for good reason. Here are some key features of wooden blinds that would make them ideal for your windows.

Stylish, classy look

The biggest selling point of wooden blinds is the natural grain beauty they provide. The look and feel of wood gives your home an authentic, rustic appearance that is unmatched. Wood can also be stained or painted, giving you a variety of finishes to compliment your interior decor.

The blinds can be made from various types of wood including oak, pine, maple or poplar, giving different looks that can be used in different settings. For instance, bamboo blinds are often preferred to complement more causal spaces, while wooden French blinds could work great for more formal rooms.

Excellent privacy

Wood is thicker than other materials used to make blinds, allowing it to add much more privacy to your windows. The blinds are typically made of slats that can vary in size depending on how much privacy you need, and are usually controlled by pull cords or tilt wands that allow you to control how much light is let into a room.

By adjusting the angle of the slates, you can fully open up a space or block out light completely.  Automatic wooden blinds are also available, which make operating the slates much more convenient. While compared to plastic or fabric blinds, wooden blinds tend to have thicker slates that act almost like shutters, making them more preferable for covering private spaces such as bedrooms.

Ease of cleaning and maintenance

Slates on blinds tend to attract a lot of dust, giving your windows shadings a filthy, dull look. Wooden slates tend to be typically larger than those found on most vinyl or fabric blinds, making cleaning much easier because of the broad, solid surface to wipe on. High quality wood can also last for many decades, keeping your windows and home looking fresh and vibrant for a long time. Wood also requires very little maintenance to retain its visual appeal, and repainting every few years should be enough to keep your blinds looking new and elegant.

Finally, wooden slates provide great insulation, which could help cut down on energy costs especially in extremely cold or warm climates. For more information, contact companies like House Of Drapery
