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Want To Use Your Home's Septic Tank Longer? 3 Critical Maintenance Tips For You

by Wallace Gonzales

A septic tank is a simple and efficient way to manage all the waste from your bathroom. With proper usage and care, the septic tank will last for several years before you need to replace or upgrade it. However, you need to understand the specific maintenance measures that can help you use the tank for many years without interfering with its efficiency and reliability. Here are the three most crucial septic tank maintenance tips for you.

Improve Water Efficiency

Water is good for your entire drainage system, but this idea only works when water is used in reasonable volumes. When you pour too much water down the drain, you will be straining the septic system excessively. The septic tank has a filter that separates the water from the rest of the waste and directs it into the drain field. 

Usually, if the water gets into the tank faster than it can drain, you will have a major problem with an overflowing tank. The greywater might get logged in your yard and become a health hazard. Fortunately, you can avoid this by making some changes in the house. For instance, you can install water-efficient toilets and showerheads. You should also only wash full loads in the washing machine. These small steps will ensure your septic tank serves you well for years because they help you use water more efficiently.

Consider What Goes Down the Drain

The septic tank contains a delicate balance of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. If any chemicals get to the tank and kill the bacteria, the waste will stop decomposing and stagnate inside the tank. You might have to pump the tank earlier and more frequently than you should because of the clogged waste. Some of the things that might harm the bacteria in the septic tank include paints and chemicals, sanitary towels, cigarette filters, and certain bleaches. Keeping these items away from your drainage system minimizes the damage to the tank. 

Inspect the Tank Regularly

Another way to improve the life and service of your septic tank is through regular checks. You can have an experienced plumber look at the septic tank once or twice a year. Some signs that it is time to inspect the tank include lush spots on the lawn, a foul smell from the tank, and slow draining toilets. Call septic tank maintenance professionals as soon as you observe any sign indicating the tank is troubled.

A properly maintained septic tank will help you manage your bathroom waste for years. However, this requires you to follow the correct processes when handling bathroom waste and inspect the tank and drainage system regularly. To learn more, check out this site http://sullivanseptic.net or similar sites regarding septic tanks.
